If you're seeing this, you must know someone IN THE KNOW!
And, they wanted to gift you something very unique!
Simply put, we are committed to expanding the divine feminine energy on the planet. It is our birthright as women to RECEIVE the ease, flow, and peace that is our magic.

Schedule your illumination call and learn how to leave behind male-dominated hustle culture - live from the divine feminine energy that is your destiny. 

Schedule Your Private 30 Minute Call With a Certified Coach

What is Divine Feminine Energy?

For over a decade, our founder Tamara Rose has been studying the feminine and masculine energies, and the divine/toxic traits of each. 

What she has found is that the male framework is task oriented, go-go-go, do-do-do. It's being the first one in the office and the last to leave. It's the hunter mindset from the hunter/gatherer days. 

Whereas women are naturally receivers.  We are gifted with intuition, magic, peace, ease, and calm. Think of Mother Mary or Mother Theresa!

Yet, in the business world and the workplace we're trained to sacrifice our receiving and magic to survive the male hustle culture. We TRY to bring our magic, intuition, and peace but it seems to get overpowered by what is already there.

It's not malicious or deliberate. It's a product of a way of thinking that has been around for generations.

It has us feel stretched financially and emotionally, worried that we can't make ends meet.

Male-Dominated Hustle Culture

Male dominated hustle culture just doesn’t work because it is incompatible with the DIVINE FEMININE.  In reality, it's the only framework we know how to work from, because it's the only framework in business that has been established. 


Success gets defined by working harder for more clients or trading more hours for more money. We lack a feeling of balance in all areas of life, and give up our precious time with family and the vacations we've been wanting most.


So while we'd love to say we produce results from our divine feminine energy, our natural gifts and intuitive magic, we're still not seeing the fulfillment in terms of the peace, ease, and success we desire.


Maybe you feel stuck in male-dominated hustle culture, and you aren’t sure how to get out.  Or maybe it already caused you to opt out completely and start your own business – but you’re still only getting results from a task-oriented framework.

That's exactly what a Certified Coach can help you explore on a private 30-minute illumination call. 

What We Do Differently

Most development programs focus on mindset, limiting beliefs and accountability coaching. While these techniques may work sporadically, we've found that consistent change only happens when you cultivate a profound awareness of your energy - your thoughts, feelings, and actions. 

We’ve found that doing this and examining our choices is the recipe for life changing results! This proven methodology has guided thousands to make big changes, create booming businesses, cultivate thriving relationships, receive more money, and find the ease and fulfillment they didn't think was possible.

Free Session Valued at $150

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